Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Shocking and Horrifying

This story is one of the most disturbing things I have read in a long time. I almost can't believe it. Something has to be done about China's policy of forced abortions.

Read the article here.

What can be done about something like this? We should start by spreading awareness and maybe the global community will be outraged?


Brooke said...

oh Eric, that is SO sad. i knew that this was going on but not to that extent. And then, of course, there are all of the baby girls in the orphanages... are the orphanages getting too full?? Is that why, do you suppose? What a mess they are creating for themselves... it makes my heart so heavy. this is not really a "just give more to the E.N. offering" type of fix-its, is it?

Kim Tostada said...

wow.. that was really disturbing..my heart breaks for them.. I can't even imagine that happening.. something for sure needs to be done. I don't have any good solutions in mind (of course prayer) now.. but it's a good way for me to start thinking about those who are suffering and need intervention.