Monday, January 01, 2007

Preaching Yesterday and the New Year

I preached yesterday in our one-service Sunday which means there was probably close to 2,000 people. It's kind of crazy, but fun to speak to that kind of crowd. There was pretty good energy in the room to start. Victor led worship too. It was an Elevation style service but with the older crowd as well. I think everyone seemed to connect well with it which is good because there have been some critical people. I'm sure it was a bit loud for some, but hopefully they were able to see beyond volume.

I preached on a topic I really liked that I talked about in this post a week ago or so. I basically told them about who Jesus is now and and in the future according to John's description in Revelation 1 and from some OT prophecies. And then I challenged them to worship with "every ounce of passion in their very being" and it was a pretty good response. Especially with many people over 60 in the crowd.

I was pretty tired yesterday. We just took it easy and hung out with some friends named the Dahlke's who live around the corner and let the kids play and got CPK takeout. Watched the ball drop, played a really (unfortunately) lame 24 DVD-based board game, and gave my wife a smooch at mid-night.


ashdown said...

you know the alias video game is SO much better than the LAME 24 board. game. reason number 45,867 that alias is better. duh.

ashdown said...

moderate deez nuts!!