Monday, October 01, 2007

One Thing Makes You Unable To Think

It's weird when you have something on your mind and that makes you unable to think creatively about anything else. That's how I feel about blogging right now. I haven't had much to say this week.

As everyone around Calvary Church knows, we have been in a consultant process for the past five months. The "Big Report" is going to be revealed to the elders next Tuesday night for the first time. The consultant has met with three elders and our Sr Pastor, but the big 50 page report will come out next week and the elders will be making recommendations. We are a "elder-ruled, staff-run" church so they aren't supposed to tell us exactly what to do, but they will make broad recommendations or bigger decisions that staff can't make. It should be interesting. I know that everyone is either scared about it or just really curious. I'm not scared or anything, but I am hyper-curious and I'm excited to move forward with the vision that God and our leadership have for our church. To be honest, I also wonder how it will affect my areas of ministry.

So it's big stuff and I think about it a lot. Which makes it hard to have witty posts about other things.


tam said...

Every time I think about it I try to turn it into a prayer. It's potentially so big, and possibly life altering for some? many? of us. Honestly it's a matter too big for me. So my thanks to you and others for carrying the weight on this.

Anonymous said...

I think it is great that a large, independent church found a way to have it's "life" spoken into. Within a church context the leadership hears so much criticism I'm sure they have to shut it off....but there needs to be a forum to take correction and have faults and weaknesses spoken into in a safe way. I'm really happy for Calvary and look forward to the changes God wants. (hmm whatever they are)

Kim Tostada said...

what happened to prayer and fasting?? don't mind me.. just some loving critism.. not to you of course.. it should be interesting.. that's all I have to say :)

Eric Wakeling said...

Kim - I know that the Elders have been meeting every Tuesday night for prayer devoted to this. So I can't fault the elders. I know I have been praying for this a lot and many are. I haven't personally fasted. I know some have. I probably should. But we shouldn't criticize the elders in this area. They have faithfully met for prayer alone (not their meeting) every week for the last four months or so.

Kim Tostada said...

hey thanks Eric for clearing that up.. I'm glad to hear that and sorry for the critisism.. I should be more careful about that kind of stuff.