We went apple picking up at Los Rios Ranchos yesterday. It's always some good old-timey country fun. We picked Rome Beauty, Golden Delicious, and Double Red Delicious apples. We also got to pick pumpkins off the vine in the pumpkin patch. Then finally we picked raspberries off the bushes. It was a super fun day. My sister, Leslie, came with us. We never do anything with just my sister so this was fun to be with her for the day. We also played the washtub bass, spoons, and the washboard with the bluegrass band that plays by the BBQ. We enjoyed the tri-tip, bbq corn, and apple pie. AWESOME!!
The crazy thing was that one year ago we were up there apple picking two days after we found out that Bea was pregnant. During the day, Bea had some spotting and we freaked out because we felt like the pregnancy was such a miracle after a previous miscarriage and tons of difficulty getting pregnant again. It turned out that the spotting was nothing. We enjoyed the day yesterday being there with Ella - our sweet little baby that was just about 6 weeks developed last year while we were there. God is good!!
Pictures coming...
I love doing that with my family too but isn't it a killer how $$$ it is??? It's a crack up how much money you can spend "going back to nature"!!
I had fun with your adorable wife today... this Women's Retreat Band is going to ROCK. :o)
They don't have Fuji's? What kind of apple picking operation is this?
I am completely jealous, in a frienly sort of way, that you guys got to pick rasberries. We must have missed it by a week. Post pics.
I meant friendly.
that looks like so much fun. The kids and I are going to a pumpkin patch in a couple weeks. I can't wait!
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