Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best Books of 2007 (That I've Read)

I'm starting a "Best Of" thread of posts because I love that kind of stuff.

Best Books of 2007 (That I've Read)
1. Church Related Category - Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. I love the message of this book of making church more simple. Create one simple statement that says what you are about as a church. Then devote yourselves wholly towards that purpose. Finally, basically ignore everything else or let it be icing on the cake. The cake needs to be simple and the cake is the most important part. I want to be Simple Church in 2008 after reading it in 2007. Other than the Bible this will be the book that drives Calvary Church this year - IMHO.

2. Novel Category - I liked Kite Runner, but A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway began my strange love for this uniquely talented and depressed author. I hated the book when I finished it, but it has left a wonderful aftertaste for the last several months. It is a drunken love story set in WWI where an American soldier meets a British girl in Italy. They fall in love when he is injured and she is the nurse. The dialog is the most interesting I have ever read. Hemingway's style is staccato and witty. They get married, she gets pregnant, they escape to Switzerland, and then they keep drinking too much and taking too much anesthesia and everybody dies except the soldier.

3. Honorable Mentions:
Reveal by Willow Creek.
When Pride Mattered - A biography of Vince Lombardi.


eric beeman said...

I just joined Shelfari.

Melissa Brosch said...

uh ya...Reveal..I'd love to read it if you would GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK!