Saturday, August 04, 2007

Facing the Giants

I'm sorry to the people that were involved in this film for my comments because there were some great people from my church even that helped with it. But this movie was embarrassing and awful to me. The moral of the story is basically that without God you will have tons of problems, with God you will still have problems, but they will all work out perfectly in the end.

Everything gets fixed for them. They win all the games. Even when they lose another team forfeits. The coach gets a free truck anonymously - not a bad idea for any rich people at my church :). They were struggling to get pregnant and I thought it might end with them having to keep trusting God even though He wasn't giving them everything they wanted. But no, it ends with her finding out she isn't pregnant and then the nurse realizes she was looking at the wrong test paperwork. She runs out to the car and tells the lady she is pregnant.

God is good because He gives me everything I want???


Kim Tostada said...

I totally agree with you on this one. It seemed like the same message that so many tel-evangilists give.. Trust God and you'll be healthy and wealthy. So many people buy into that and then are disappointed when the reality of life kicks in and things don't work out the way they think they should. I can keep going but I'll stop here.

P.S- we can't wait to see the Borne Altimatum

Brooke said...

I agree... the bummer is that when they DO get disillusioned, they end up turning their backs on God, thinking that HE promised them everything they desire, when it was just incorrect teaching to begin with.
My hubby and I both can't wait for the B.U. movie... now if we could only find a sitter...

Melissa Brosch said...

If Jason Bourne was in this movie it would have been so much better.

Randy Harris said...

can't comment on Facing The Giants because (tho I have sold dozens of it) I haven't seen it. BUT I saw a cool little movie from Scotland recently, "Dear Frankie." And I want to go see the new Bourne, the series is something Ben and I have experienced together. one of the few series where the sequel was better than the original...