Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Love Mr. Rogers

Grace and I watch Mr. Rogers in the morning. The guy is awesome. I watched him when I was a kid and now Grace is watching the same thing. Learning about sharing, kindness, what to do when you are angry, feelings, exercise, identity, pretend vs. real, and how things are made. The man was a genius. He was a minister before he started in TV and you can see the fingerprints of Jesus all over his show.

Who else loves the man who changes shoes and sweaters every day?


Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.... in fact, it's so wonderful, you should join us over here in Tustin ;)

Anonymous said...

I heard a cool story about Mr Rodgers last night. There is a guy in my class who teaches grade school and he started writing to Mr Rodgers years ago and Mr Rodgers would always right back and they wound up becoming friends. Mr Rodgers would come out and visit some of his classes and Mr Rodgers befriended some of this guy's students and would constantly write to them. Even today you can write to Mr Rodgers, and the speedy delivery guy will write back to you.